Cost Efficiency Arch
Chọn đúng size clusters
- Thách thức: over provisioned vs under provisioned, performance vs cost
- Strategy: metrics và monitoring
Multi-Cluster hay 1 Giant Cluster
Managed K8S by Cloud Provider
- Pros: tối tưu tốt hơn
- Cons: upfront cost, complex
Autoscaling Effective
Cluster Autoscaling
Sử dụng resouces quota, Limit Ranges
Spot instance/Preemptible VM
Optimizing Workload Placement and Scheduling
Affinity and Anti-affinity Rules
- related microservices scheduled on the same host → reduce network latency, hidden cost
Taints and Tolerations for Specialized Node Usage
- GPU workload
- High CPU load or High Memory
Enhance performance
Detailed understanding Complex Setup