
is introduced in the “Coutinuous Exploration” aspect, which consists of “Value Stream”, “Trigger”, “First Step”, “Last Step”, “Demand Rate”, “Current State”, “Future State”, “Boundaries and Limitations” and “Improvement Items” 9 components. Value steam mapping (VSM) is a visual tool that displays all critical steps in a specific process and quantifies easily the time and volume taken at each stage.

The DevOps transformation canvas has areas for the current-state Value Stream and the following characteristics:

  • The trigger: kicks off the value stream: idea, request for new function
  • The first step: analyzing, priorizing request feature definition
  • The last step: delivering product to customer, measuring the value
  • The demand rate: instance of demand for new work over a period of time
  • Value Stream metrics (total process time, total lead time, activity ratio, and rolled %C&A)

The first step and the last step link to the customer

The first and most important step of building a high-quality Canvas is to take the practice of thinking about the VSM of current state (Value Stream metrics), then we could have the overview of the end-to-end delivery flow and identify the bottleneck step through “Process Time (PT)”, “Lead Time (LT)” and “Percent Complete and Accurate (%C&A)” metrics measurement.

The next step is to base on the bottleneck step to come out the improvement items to optimize the whole flow efficiency. We could think about following questions before re-design the future state of value stream.

  • What can be done to remove the more significant bottlenecks?
  • What can be automated?
  • What risks do I have that I can prevent?

For identifying the ideal future state, the DevOps transformation canvas includes the following areas to fill out during the workshop:

  • Target Value Stream metrics (total process time, total lead time, activity ratio, and rolled %C&A)
  • The boundaries/limitations
  • Improvement items