Cloud Pricing

Companies transitioning to the cloud are often so overwhelmed by other technical and cultural changes that they don’t take the time to understand the pricing structures, and they begin using cloud resources as if they were on premise resources, causing a high degree of wasted money.

Pricing Principles

Pricing benefits:

  • Pay for use
  • pay as you go
  • use more & payless
  • commit & payless
  • optimized
  • no complex licensing

Pricing models

  • On demand
  • commitment
  • Spot instance
  • Free tier


  • Compute
  • storage
  • Data transfer

PRicing factor

  • Resource usage
  • Time
  • Service level

Service model

  • IaaS
  • PaaS
  • SaaS

Pricing model cloud vs on-premises

Organization & Culture Change Requirement - Finops, CCOE, Operation Model

6 Pillars of Successful Cloud Cost Management

  1. Oragnization
    1. Operating Model
    2. CCOE (cloud center of excellence)
    3. Finops
  2. Structure
    1. hierarchy
    2. tag
    3. shared cost model
  3. visibility
    1. Data & Visualization
    2. Advisor
    3. Alerting
  4. Accountability
    1. showback
    2. chargeback
    3. budget
  5. Strategy
    1. governance
    2. Well-architecture
    3. Standards
  6. Optimization
    1. Commitment
    2. Discountmodels
    3. Over-X inefficiency

Governance principle

  1. Policy, standard, automation
  2. Responsibility
  3. Accountability
  4. Mornitoring and Reporting
  5. Budgeting and Forecasting
  6. Approval Workflows
  7. Trainign and Education

Cloud operating model


Standardization + Governance Skill Development + Knowledge Sharing Strategic Desicion Making Increase efficiency Cost Optimization